Templates: Junecode

Junecode uses a simple template system with XML-style tags. The majority of your template should look like a complete HTML page, with these tags mixed in. All of the tags follow the same basic format: <junecode:tagname attribute="value" /> It is important that your tags are…
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Tag Reference

ajax Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
alternate Inserts its value every other time it is called. Useful for alternating…
audio Attributes src: required, the relative address of a flash-compatible audio…
author Inserts the author of the entry. It must appear inside of a…
base Inserts the base URL for Junecode. Useful if you want to link to your…
buylink Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
cart Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
cartitems Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
categories Inserts a list of categories for the site. Categories are divided into…
categories Attributes case: lower, upper. will change the case of the result. list:…
category Inserts the name of the current category. Attributes case: upper or…
categoryid Inserts an ID that in most cases will be unique to the category. It simply…
checkout Attributes type: checkout, summary, or thankyou. required. payment: mail,…
checkoutstyle Attributes id: required. Example Changes This tag was added in…
commentcontact Inserts a link to a form to email the person that posted the comment. It must…
commentdate Inserts the date of the comment. It must appear inside of a…
commentemail Inserts the URL of the contact form used by the commentcontact tag. In most…
commentemailaddress Inserts the email address of the person that posted the comment. It must…
commentform Inserts its contents if an entry is being viewed, and comments are open for…
commentid Inserts the unique ID number of the comment. It must appear inside of a…
commentmessage Inserts a message giving different feedback on the comment. It must appear…
commentmoderate Attributes plain: return plain text instead of…
commentname Inserts the name of the person that posted the comment. It must appear inside…
commentpreview Inserts the HTML area where the live comment preview will be displayed. It…
comments Inserts a list of comments on the current entry. This tag should always have…
commentsarea Inserts its contents if an entry is being viewed, and comments are set to…
commentsite Inserts the URL of the site that was posted with the comment. It must appear…
commentslink Inserts a link to view comments on the entry when appropriate. It must appear…
commentspamnotes Attributes plain: return plain text instead of…
commentspampercent Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
commentstext Inserts appropriate text that can be used to link to comments on the entry….
commenttext Inserts the text of a comment. It must appear inside of a…
cookiedomain Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
counter Inserts a number that increments by one each time it’s called. Useful for…
createlink Inserts an HTML link created with the specified values. This allows much…
credit Inserts the Junecode credit line that is required for free…
crumbs Inserts a list of “crumbs” showing where the current page is in relation to…
currentdate Attributes format: a custom date format, following the rules of the PHP…
deletelink Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
description Inserts the description of the site. This description can be changed in the…
dir Inserts the directory of the current…
download Attributes href: required, the relative address of a file title: optional,…
emailcode Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
emailconfirm Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
emailremove Attributes type: html (default) or plain. Example Changes This tag…
emailsubject Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
emailtext Attributes type: html (default) or plain. Example Changes This tag…
emptycart Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
enclosure Inserts an enclosure for an RSS feed. Please note that this tag is somewhat…
entries Inserts a list of entries that are in the current category (or the specified…
entrycount Inserts the number of entries in the current…
entrydate Inserts the date of the entry. If the entry is an event, the end date is…
entryenddate Inserts the end date of the entry, if it has one. It must appear inside of a…
entryfeed Inserts the URL of an RSS feed that includes the entry itself and comments on…
entryid Inserts the unique ID number of the entry. It must appear inside of a…
entryimage Inserts a thumbnail if the entry has an image saved with it. It must appear…
entryimagename Inserts the file name of the image, if an image was saved with the entry. It…
entrylink Inserts the entry’s link, if one was saved with the entry. It must appear…
entrylinks Inserts a list of links for the entry. It must appear inside of a…
entrypage Inserts the page name of the entry. It must appear inside of a…
entrytext Inserts the text of an entry. It must appear inside of a…
entrytitle Inserts the title of the entry. It must appear inside of a…
entryupdated Inserts the date the entry was last updated. It must appear inside of a…
filedunder Inserts a list of categories that the entry is filed under. Each category in…
flexdata (deprecated) Inserts only the data or value of a single flex field. It must appear inside…
flexfield (deprecated) Inserts a single flex field. It must appear inside of a…
flexfields (deprecated) Inserts a list of flex fields for the entry. It must appear inside of a…
focusfield This tag is deprecated; it is no longer recommended for use. Please use the…
footer Inserts an HTML paragraph tag, followed by the crumbs tag, then a line break,…
formatname Attributes case: lower, upper… will change the case of the…
formatprice Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
formats Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
formemail Inserts the appropriate value for the email field in the comment…
formformatting Inserts a “Add Markup?” link that can be used to format text in the comment…
formhiddenfields Attributes passed along to junecode:alternate Example Changes This…
formmessage Inserts a message that gives feedback on the posting of a comment. The…
formname Inserts the appropriate value for the name field in the comment…
formremember (deprecated) Inserts “true” or nothing, depending on whether the comment form values are…
formrememberlink Inserts a link that can be clicked to toggle whether or not the name, email,…
formsite Inserts the appropriate value for the web site field in the comment…
formtext Inserts the appropriate value for the comment text field in the comment…
htmlentities Encodes its contents using HTML entities where appropriate. It should always…
if Inserts its contents if its value satisfies the…
image Inserts a thumbnail for the specified image that can be clicked to view it…
include Attributes src: The path to the file to include, relative to the user’s home…
index Attributes dir: The folder to show files from. if none is specified, then…
interval Inserts its contents each time a counter reaches the number specified. For…
link Inserts a smart link to the specified file. If the file is an image, it will…
log (deprecated) Inserts the unique ID of the site. Limited in usefulness. Note that if you…
logcontact (deprecated) Inserts a link to a form to email the owner of the site. This is strongly…
logemail (deprecated) Inserts the URL of the contact form used by the sitecontact tag. In most…
logtitle (deprecated) Inserts the title of the site. This title can be changed in the General…
logurl (deprecated) Inserts the address of the home page of your…
meta This tag will insert the description meta tag, a meta tag to prevent the…
metadata Attributes name: required label: whether to show the label. default is…
metadatalist Attributes name: required urlencode: whether to urlencode the value….
months Inserts a list of months and years, if the category has been set to divide…
obscure Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
onload Inserts JavaScript that should run after the page loads. If necessary you can…
orderdata Attributes id: required select: checkbox: radio: display: plain, html,…
orderid Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
orderinput Attributes id: required class: size: maxlength: values: allowed values…
ordertotal Attributes see orderdata. Example Changes This tag was added in…
pages Inserts a set of links that can be used to page through the entries in a…
pagetitle Inserts a page title, as a list of “crumbs” showing where the current page is…
pastevent Inserts its value if the date of the entry is in the…
permalink Inserts a permanent link to the entry, where the entry and any comments on it…
quantity Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
quantityfield Attributes class: any class name size: the size of the field. default is…
quotedprintable Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
recententries Inserts a list of recent entries. Attributes dir: the directory of the…
scripts Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
searchaction Inserts the appropriate action value for a search…
searchaction Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
searchbox Inserts a field that can be used to search the current…
searchtext Inserts the text that was searched for, if any. Useful for creating your own…
selfurl Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
shipoption Attributes id: Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
shipoptions Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
shorturl (deprecated) Attributes id: Optional. The ID of an entry to insert a short URL…
site Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
sitecontact Attributes same as createlink, except href and onclick are added…
siteemail Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
sitetitle Attributes case: lower, upper… will change the case of the…
siteurl Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
storemessage Attributes contents: message to display if there is no other…
subtotal Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
upcomingevents Inserts a list of upcoming events, if the site has any entries that are…
utfencode Attributes none. Example Changes This tag was added in Junecode 3.0.
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