Templates: Junecode: About

This documentation was updated on Friday, April 24, 2009 at 5:01 AM

Junecode uses a simple template system with XML-style tags. The majority of your template should look like a complete HTML page, with these tags mixed in. All of the tags follow the same basic format: <junecode:tagname attribute="value" />

It is important that your tags are well formed and properly nested. Attribute values should always have quotes around them and you shouldn’t have unnecessary spaces before or after the equal sign. Tag names and attributes should always be lowercase. Tags that don’t have a closing tag should be self-closing, meaning they should have a slash before the end bracket. For example:

This is fine: <junecode:entries></junecode:entries>
This is fine: <junecode:entrytitle />
This is wrong: <junecode:entrytitle>

In the last example, Junecode will assume that everything following the tag is nested inside of it, which could result in the tag not displaying anything, or sections of your template disappearing. Template tags have an alternate format that allows you to nest them inside of other tags. For example:

<div class="{junecode:alternate}"></div>

When used this way, tags do not have to have a closing slash.

Return to the Tag Reference for a full listing of Junecode template tags. Click a tag name for an explanation of how to use it, and the possible attributes you can use.

Junecode also includes a plug-in architecture that allows you to create your own tags using PHP. Plug-ins are placed in your code/sites/plugins folder. More information on the plugin architecture will be available in the future. In the meantime, please contact us for information.

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