Templates: Junecode: crumbs

This documentation was updated on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 3:53 AM

Inserts a list of “crumbs” showing where the current page is in relation to the rest of the site.


case: upper or lower. Will convert the output to uppercase or lowercase. The default is none.
type: single, short, long, full. Short will omit the first three crumbs. Long will omit the first two crumbs. Single returns the last crumb only. The default is full.
links: true or false. Whether to make each crumb a link. The default is true.
divider: any string. The divider between each crumb. The default is “ / “.
firstdivider: any string. The divider after the first crumb. The default is the divider if one was specified, or “ // “.


<junecode:crumbs divider=": " type="long" />

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