Templates: Junecode: recententries

This documentation was updated on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 6:03 AM

Inserts a list of recent entries.


dir: the directory of the category to display entries from. Groups will not work. The default is to display entries from all categories.
limit: the maximum number of entries to display. The default is 10.
divider: any string to insert between each event. HTML entities must be encoded.
title: the field to use as the title. Possible values are title, author, flex01, flex02, or flex03. The default is title.
date: a date format following the rules of the PHP date function. The default is no date display.


<h1>Recent Entries</h1>
<ul><li><junecode:recententries limit="8" divider="</li><li>" /></li></ul>

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