Templates: Junecode: pagetitle
Inserts a page title, as a list of “crumbs” showing where the current page is in relation to the rest of the site. Almost identical to the crumbs tag, except links are never displayed, and the first two crumbs are never displayed.
case: upper or lower. Will convert the output to uppercase or lowercase. The default is none.
type: single, short, long, full. Short will omit the first crumb. Long and full both display the full title. Single returns the last crumb only. The default is long.
links: true or false. Whether to make each crumb a link. The default is true.
divider: any string. The divider between each crumb. The default is “ / “.
firstdivider: any string. The divider after the first crumb. The default is the divider if one was specified, or “ // “.
<title><junecode:pagetitle divider=": " /></title>