Templates: Juneindex: files

This documentation was updated on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 6:13 AM

Inserts a list of files that are in the current directory. This tag should always have a start and end tag. Everything in between will be repeated for each file. If it’s inside a <juneindex:gallery> tag, then it will only display image files. If it’s inside a <juneindex:list> tag, then it will only display non-image files. See the gallery and list tags for more information.


sort: the direction to sort the files. Possible values are “name forward”, “size forward”, “date forward”, “name reverse”, “size reverse”, and “date reverse”. The default is “name forward”.


<juneindex:files sort="date reverse">
<juneindex:filelink popup="false" /> (<juneindex:filesize />)<br />

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